How to put music to your NW-E00X Sony mp3 player without sonicstage

April 20, 2009

Now sonicstage gave me a headache when installing so I came with an alternative. This method is meant to be used on linux but it works on windows as well.

This should work on Sony NW-E002 , Sony NW-E003 , Sony NW-E004 and other Sony players.

Things you’ll need:

Patrick’s “NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager”
(download the zip, extract and get the jar)


1. Install Java.

2. Format your Sony mp3 player. (Options > Advanced > Initialize > Format > Ok on your player)

3. Insert the player to your computer. Copy NW-E00X_MP3_File_ManagerXXXX.jar to the your player. Also copy OMGAUDIO folder to your player, make sure there is no OMGAUDIO folder inside OMGAUDIO folder (it can happen if you extract to OMGAUDIO\)

4. Click Start > Run > CMD

5. Once on the commandline console type the following and hit enter. J: is my drive letter for the player. You MUST replace it with your players driveletter.

java -jar NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.17a.jar

The 0.17a is the version of the file manager I’m using. If you have a different one just use it. On the console you can just type java -jar NW<tabkey>

Once that starts just browse your music and click the Down arrow at the left and click on save at lower right.

PS: If you get a No Database on your player. Format your player on your computer and you’ll get a Format Error on your player. Next you format it from your player (Step 2) and continue from Step 3 to put your music. I know this is not the right way to do it but SonicStage won’t work and it is the only way it worked for it.


December 22, 2008

Bandh (Hindi: बंद), originally a Hindi word meaning ‘closed’, is a form of protest used by political activists in some countries in South Asia like India and Nepal. During a Bandh, a major political party or a large chunk of a community declares a general strike, usually lasting one day.


If you are not from around Nepal or India, the term bandh will be really new to you. But if you are like me dwelling in Nepal, its like a common word used every week or so and everytime when you are talking about Nepali politics. If you are like me, a student a bandh will usually mean a holiday, not technically an official holiday but a forced closure of vehicles and business resulting in .. well a holiday. But that doesn’t make it a good thing ;). Many business have collapsed, many factories permanently closed, properties vandalised and the list continues. At one time I had to walk for about 3 hours carrying my luggage uphill and downhill about 15 km because some wise group of men decided to call a bandh in the middle of the Prithvi Highway for their crutial demands that far surpassed the agony of hundreds of thousands of stranded passengers.

I don’t know the condition of bandhs over there in India but in Nepal its pretty severe. This site[] has a calendar, the calendar keeps records of all the bandh that had happened and might happen. A few things that you’ll notice there:

  • There was not a single day in November that passed without a bandh at some hour at some part of Nepal.
  • The days of this month, December also isn’t free from bandhs. There will be 2 bandhs tomorrow.
  • There was never a month without atleast one bandh.
  • Last 9 weeks went without a bandh-free day.

I’m not sure if there’s a place in the world with that kind of record statistics.

As sad as it may feel, this is how it goes here. And as ridiculous as it might sound, the status quo is such that the only way to make yourself heard is to organize a bandh.

December 22, 2008

As much as  I hate to admit it, this blog like the reset of my other (probably dead) blogs, won’t make it.  I just can’t think of anything to write and while in rare occasions I do get the urge to write something, loadshedding as always steps in the way.

Anyways,  I’m starting a personal site and this blog will probably be moved there. The name is and it will probably be up in a couple of days, well once the lazy people at Mercantile forward my domain.

Post number #2

December 6, 2008

They say beginning something is hard. But when it comes to blogging and *coughs* ME the hardest part is to write the blog entry #2. Yes, I started but only started different blogs, some with very catchy names and themes just to realize later that I’m too lazy to maintain them. After the first post the blog would just freeze until it eventually died.

It is 10 mins to 10 in the morning. Why I’m stressing 10 is because at 10am there will be another scheduled loadshedding in my area. So while I’m writing this, I’ve got 10 mins to complete it.

Man, when you fix a time to do a particular task you completely loose the track of what you are going to say. And while I’m typing this hurriedly I’m also taking to people in different windows.

This morning I woke up at around 7, I think. I’m not use to waking up at this hour. I have the habit of sleeping really long, not something people are proud of. But, it is so cold in the morning. When i woke up this whole place where i live was covered with fog and was awefully cold when I walked outside. Its winter in Kathmandu, I’m not sure when the winter is ending or when it began but I have a winter vactaion in like 20 days, the date is not fixed.

And what do you know? My UPS is beeping. Thank you Loadshedding for saving me from this torturous task of writing my second blog entry!

The day this blog was borned

December 5, 2008

It is December 5th of the year 2008, the day this world will remember as the birth of this blog. This blog which is written by the evil (and awesome) Binay.

That will be all for now.

Hello world!

December 5, 2008

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!